ENS Education % Training Platform

Education & Training

The Netherlands The Netherlands


Overview with the Universities

Leiden University

Master of Physics

Delft University of Technology

Master in Applied Physics track Radiation, Radionuclides and Reactors

Master in Chemical Engineering track Nuclear Science and Engineering

Utrecht University

Master programme of Particle Physics

Eindhoven University of Technology

Master’s programme in Applied Physics. Plasma Physics and Radiation Technology


Master’s programme in Applied Physics. Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion

Radboud University of Nijmegen

Bachelor of Natural Sciences and Astronomy

Master Physics and Astronomy

PhD Programme of High Energy

Free University of Amsterdam

Master of Physics

INHOLLAND Graduate School

Master of Science Radiation Oncology in Europe

Hogeschool Zeeland

Minor Courses of Nuclear Technology

ROC Zeeland

Minor Courses of Nuclear Technology

EHRO-N University Locator

EHRO-N University Locator


  1. Master in Applied Physics track Radiation, Radionuclides and Reactors (R3) at the Delft University of Technology.

    R3 covers a very wide range of subjects, from nuclear reactor physics to health physics, since radiation is of critical importance in fields such as sustainable energy or health.

    Specialisation: Nuclear Science and Engineering

    A special option within the radiation track prepares for a career in nuclear engineering, with emphasis on either energy or medical applications. This track specialisation aims at meeting the growing demand for nuclear scientists and engineers.

    In addition to technical courses, the programme will include academic modules covering such topics as

  • ethics,

  • risk perception and safeguarding,

  • radiological health courses.

    Master of Science Chemical Engineering in track Nuclear Science and Engineering

    Nuclear science and engineering encompasses the study and use of nuclear materials and the equipment that makes use of nuclear materials for medical, energy, and analytical applications. At TU Delft, the focus of the Nuclear Science & Engineering track is on nuclear engineering and its applications making use of radioisotopes.


    Students also have abundant opportunities to engage in ongoing research in nuclear science for a shorter or longer period at the University's reactor institute


  1. Master programme of Particle Physics at the Utrecht University

    Particle physics is one of the strong areas within Experimental Physics in Utrecht. The slightly broader field of Subatomic Physics (including also Nuclear Physics) has a long tradition of excellence at Utrecht University, recently Utrecht has concentrated more on high profile research on elementary particles.


    Master’s programme in Applied Physics. Plasma Physics and Radiation Technology at the Eindhoven University of Technology

    Master’s programme in Applied Physics. Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion

    The Fusion Academy (lecture course)
  1. Bachelor of Natural Sciences and Astronomy at the Radboud University of Nijmegen

    Courses of Radiation Processes and Atomic and Subatomic Physics


    Master Physics and Astronomy
    Courses of Nuclear Physics and Health Physicists and Radiation Protection

    PhD Programme of High Energy


  2. Master of Physics at the Free University of Amsterdam

    Specialization in Advanced Matter and Energy Physics

  3. Master of Science Radiation Oncology in Europe at INHOLLAND Graduate School

  4. Minor Courses of Nuclear Technology at the Hogeschool Zeeland

    Recently, in particular with an emphasis on strengthening nuclear education in the province of Zeeland, as a result of cooperative efforts of a number of local companies, utilities and educational institutes, minor training courses in nuclear technology on a technical and professional level (HBO-, MBO- level) have been established in 2010. The minors are part of the master education for a number of studies.


  5. Minor Courses of Nuclear Technology at the ROC Zeeland and ROC Westerschelde

    During the half year the students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in nuclear physics, radioactivity and safety in nuclear technics. Additional to this the students can make the certificate of ‘Radiation protection hygiene level 5’
