ENS Education % Training Platform

Education & Training

Slovakia Slovakia

General Information

General information

The following link presents the overview with the institutions types and structure of higher education system in Slovakia.


University level studies

University level first stage:Bachelor studies:

The Bachelor study programme as the study programme of the first level aims at the acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge based on the current state of science
and art and at mastering their use in the exercise of a profession or the follow-up of higher education studies. The first stage usually lasts for three or four years, covering all disciplines except Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy and Law. After completion, graduates are granted Certificates and awarded the degree of "Bakalár".

University level second stage Master studies:

Complete university study lasts for four to six years and consists in research. Studies in Economics, Agriculture, Chemistry and technical fields last for five or five-and-a-half years and lead to the academic degree of Engineer and to the title of Engineer-Architect in Architecture. Graduates of the fields of study in which the academic degree of Magister is awarded may sit for the Examina Rigorosa, which also includes the defence of a dissertation.

University level third stage: Doktorandské štúdium (PhD studies):

PhD studies require three years of full-time study, or five years of part-time study. Admission requirements are the completion of complete university study at the second level.

University level fourth stage: Doctor of the Sciences-DrSc:

The DrSc. is awarded to outstanding researchers after the defence of their thesis and for their scientific and research work.
