ENS Education % Training Platform

Education & Training

Hungary Hungary

General Information

General information:

Non-university level:

a new form of higher learning has been introduced under the designation accredited higher vocational training. At present this type of post-secondary study is called higher vocational training and it is integrated into the system of higher education. This short-cycle post-secondary course is not a degree course. The graduates obtain a vocational certificate. The 2-year programmes are offered mainly by colleges and in many cases in collaboration with secondary vocational schools. Higher, more practice-oriented education is offered in non-university higher education institutions. Courses last for three or four years and after the defence of a thesis and successful completion of the final examination, graduates obtain a College-level Degree. This qualification - which may be called as College-level Degree or a "Bachelor" - entitles holders to practise a profession or to continue further higher education studies and obtain the Post-college Further Specialization Degree in one to three years or in some cases the University-level Degree.

University level studies:

University level first stage: Undergraduate studies:

Higher education at university level generally consists of a course, usually four to six years in duration, which confers the higher education qualification of University-level Degree This qualification - which may also be called "Master's"- entitles holders to practise a profession or to continue higher education studies and obtain a Post-university Further Specialization Degree in one to three years or to pursue doctoral studies.

University level second stage: Postgraduate studies:

Post-university Further Specialization Degree may also be obtained after the University-level Degree after following a programme of one to three years. 2) Doctoral studies are another type of postgraduate studies. This stage of higher education leads to Doktor or Master Degrees three years after the University-level Degree. The Doktor and Master Degrees are awarded by a Committee of the University after not less than three years' research following upon University-level Degree. The training requirements of doctoral studies that should be completed are the following: language proficiency as appropriate for the given field of science in two foreign languages, an original scientific work supported by scientific publications and summarized in a dissertation.
