ENS Conferences Secretariat

European Nuclear Society
Kirsten Epskamp
Tel. +32 2 505 30 54
Fax +32 2 502 39 02


Rue de la Loi




The organisations below have made an outstanding contribution to the success of the
ENC2007 Conference through their generous sponsorship.
ENC 2007 Diamond Sponsor

ENC 2007 Gold Sponsor

ENC 2007 is organised:

in cooperation with the Belgian Nuclear Society

Belgian Nuclear Society

in cooperation with the IAEA

in cooperation with the OECD/NEA


in association with the American Nuclear Society
American Nuclear Society

with the support of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

l top l home l venue l practical information l accommodation l instructions for authors l programme l technical visit l
l social programme l guided tour l industry exhibition l research exhibition l transactions l visa l YG reporters l registration l contact l ENS l