




Download Programme

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Belgian authorities grant accreditation for continued education in medicine, including ‘Ethics and Economy’ (2 credit points = 20 units) to ENC 2007!

Conference CD

Your registration fee includes a conference CD with presentations from all tracks. This great resource will arrive by mail approximately 6 - 8 weeks after the meeting.

Paperless Format

All registered participants will have access to full papers prior to the event. Registered participants will receive an email announcing when the conference materials are available for download. A Book of Abstracts will be distributed at the conference.

ENC Technical Pogramme Committee

Mr. Marcel Maris, Belgian Nuclear Society
Mr. Didier Haas, European Commission (JRC)
Mr. Christian Dierick, Agoria


Ms. Anna-Maria d'Eer, SUEZ-TRACTEBEL
Mr. Yvon Vanderborck, Belgonucleaire
Ms. Nadine Hollasky, AVN
Mr. Pieter De Gelder, AVN
Mr. Michel Biéth, European Commission (JRC)
Mr. Simon Webster, Commission (DG Research)
Mr. Bernard Bonin, French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
Mr. Gustaaf Cornelis, VUB
Prof Alberto Del Guerra, University of Pisa
Dr. Michèle Coeck, SCK•CEN
Dr. Tony Lahoutte, VUB
Mr. Paolo Gaio, Westinghouse Electric Europe sprl

ENC Local Organising Committee

Mr. Marcel Maris, Belgian Nuclear Society
Prof. Dr. Frank Deconinck, European Nuclear Society
Mr. Gaston Meskens, European Nuclear Society
Mr. Santiago San Antonio, European Nuclear Society
Mr. Hans Korteweg, European Nuclear Society
Ms. Kirsten Epskamp, European Nuclear Society
Ms. Marion Brünglinghaus, European Nuclear Society


The organisations below have made an outstanding contribution tothe success of the
ENC2007 Conference through their generous sponsorship.
ENC 2007 Diamond Sponsor

ENC 2007 Gold Sponsor

Sponsor of the Welcome Reception at the Town Hall

ENC 2007 is organised:

in cooperation with the Belgian Nuclear Society

Belgian Nuclear Society

in cooperation with the IAEA

in cooperation with the OECD/NEA


in association with the American Nuclear Society
American Nuclear Society

with the support of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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