Post-conference Technical Visits

Delegates of ENC 2007 will be able to choose between several Technical Tours:

Technical Visit 1: SCK•CEN at Mol

“ Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie - Centre d’étude de l’énergie nucléaire”

The visit of the Belgian Research Center will include the following installations:

  • EURIDICE - which stands for European Underground Research Infrastructure for Disposal of nuclear waste In Clay Environment – is the Economic Interest Grouping between ONDRAF/NIRAS (Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials) and SCK•CEN.

    The exhibition in the demonstration hall EIG EURIDICE in Mol offers well-organised information on research and development activities dealing with the possibility of disposing of radioactive waste in deep clay layers. It shows the progress made by current research and sampling.

  • LHMA (Hot cells) – the laboratory for High and Medium level Activity evaluates the effects of irradiation on materials at use in actual and future nuclear installations




The Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK.CEN)





















IBA Group at Louvain-la-Neuve

  • (BR1 – a 4 MWth graphite-moderated, air-cooled reactor)

(Max. 45 pers. allowed if dividing in 3 groups)

Agenda (for 2 groups):


Departure 'Place de Brouckère'


Arrival and check-in at the SCK•CEN main entrance


Welcome reception and Power Point Presentation by Mr. Legrain


Lunch in clubhouse


Group 1 visit HADES and introduction to EURIDICE

Group 2 visit NMS Institute and introduction HOTCELLS


Visit to Hades group 2
Visit to NMS group 1


End of visit


Back in Brussels city center

Bus shuttles will bring you to the airport if requested.

Technical Visit 2: Tihange NPP

The three pressurised-water reactors (PWR) of Tihange NPP produce 30% of the annual Belgian electricity, making it the prime electricity supplier of Belgium.

Visit of the Tihange NPP situated close to Liège will include a visit of its Training Center. This Training Center is equipped with a special infrastructure that simulates about 10 different workplaces in a nuclear enviroment.



Departure Place de Brouckère


Arrival and short introduction


Visit of the Training Center (full scope simulator) with explanations by the trainers




Visit of the site a2nd non-nuclear installations




End of visit


Back in Brussels city center

Bus shuttles will bring you to the airport if requested.

Technical Visit 3: IBA Group at Louvain-la-Neuve
(Ion Beam Application S.A.)

The IBA is well-known for its success in Molecular Medicine, especially for its development of cyclotrons able to diagnose and to treat efficiently a wide range of cancer forms. The world precursor in Particle Therapy expanded activities in the last 20 years responding to the industrial and technological needs which make IBA today the undisputable leader of cancer detection and therapy.

The visit of IBA will start on 20 September at 9:45. The agenda foresees a general overview on the company followed by a specialized presentation of a key IBA project and a visit of the Assembly Hall.



Departure Place de Brouckère


Arrival and short introduction


General overview, presentation and visit of the Assembly Hall


End of visit


Back in Brussels city center

All Technical Visits will take place on Thursday 20 September 2007.

The Visits are included in the Registration Fee.

The organisations below have made an outstanding contribution tothe success of the
ENC2007 Conference through their generous sponsorship.

ENC 2007 Diamond Sponsor

ENC 2007 Gold Sponsor

Sponsor of the Welcome Reception at the Town Hall

ENC 2007 is organised:

in cooperation with the Belgian Nuclear Society

Belgian Nuclear Society

in cooperation with the IAEA

in cooperation with the OECD/NEA


in association with the American Nuclear Society
American Nuclear Society

with the support of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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