PIME - Defining tomorrow's vision of nuclear energy

Technical Visit

Pime 2006

PIME participants can choose one of the two following technical tours:

  • IAEA Laboratories at Seibersdorf, 35 km south-east of Vienna, on Wednesday, 15 February in the afternoon (half day). The departure from the VIC after the conference closure is scheduled at 13.00 with a return at 18.00. Lunch boxes will be provided.

    The IAEA laboratories were established in 1962 with the objective to assist with experimental activities in support of selected Agency programmes. Its main activities are the provision of scientific services, research, and development and training of scientists from developing countries.

    Many PIME participants come from the energy generation sector which represents just one of many nuclear applications. A visit to the Seiberdorf laboratories will broaden their horizon by providing a better insight in nuclear techniques in other vital areas such as food and agriculture, human health, physical and chemical sciences, water resources, industry, environment, and radiation protection. The visit will also highlight the importance of the Agency’s contribution to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, recently acknowledged by the Nobel Peace Prize 2005.

    Practicalities: The bus departs from the Vienna International Centre (Gate 1) at 13.00. Lunch boxes will be provided at the registration desk. Please take your conference badge with you for the security check. Return to the VIC at 18.00. The bus will stop at Vienna Airport on the way to the VIC.

    For more info on the laboratories, please see

  • Temelin Nuclear Power Plant, 150 km north-west of Vienna in the Czech Republic, on Thursday, 16 February, lunch included (full day). Departure from the VIC is scheduled at 08.30 with a return at 19.15.

    The visit will include both the power plant and the nearby information centre, located in a historical country manor. The state-of-the-art information centre offers an attractive scientific exhibition illustrating nuclear power and engineering, energy concepts, a cloud chamber showing natural ionising radiation, and educational movies.

    PIME participants will meet their fellow Temelin communicators during a working lunch to exchange ideas and experiences at first-hand.

    Please note that delegates from outside the European Union will have to apply for an additional, Czech visa in order to visit Temelin.

    Practicalities: The bus departs from the Vienna International Centre at 07:30 (Gate 1). Arrival at the VIC at 19.00; the bus will continue to Vienna Airport, arrival 20.00. Please take your passport with you for the security check

    For more info on Temelin NPP, please see

The detailed time schedule and content of both visits remain to be confirmed. Buses will be provided from and to the VIC.


The two technical tours are included in the PIME registration fee.

The maximum size of each group is limited and participation is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Please fill-in the appropriate section of the registration form indicating your date of birth and ID or passport details for the usual security check.

Registration deadline

The deadline to reserve your place is 15 January (non-EU citizens) or 1 February 2006 (EU citizens).