PIME - Defining tomorrow's vision of nuclear energy


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Pime 2006 in Vienna

Programme format

The two-and-a-half-day programme consists of plenary sessions in the morning featuring both invited speakers and moderated panel debates on the latest developments, challenges and developments. Plenary speakers include representatives from both the nuclear industry and all sections of civil society. In the afternoon, speakers will discuss their work in four parallel workshops, each devoted to key issues. PIME's programme also includes poster presentations.

Call for submissions for the PIME Award

For more information on the Award, please click here. Please submit your abstract by 15 January 2006 to the conference secretariat at

Preliminary Programme

download Preliminary Programme

Please consult the abstract book for short summaries of the presentations.

Download the abstract book (220 kb)

PIME 2006 Programme Committee

Laurent Furedi, FORATOM – Programme Committee Chairman
Helmuth Boeck, Atominstitut, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Tracy Grant-Wilson, World Nuclear Transport Institute
Karen Daifuku, OECD / NEA
Dobak Dobroslav, Bohunice NPP, Slovakia
Melissa Fleming, IAEA
Radko Istenic, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Simon James, NIA, United Kingdom
Frédéric Lefebvre, EDF, France
Gaston Meskens, SCK-CEN, Belgium
Piluca Nunez, Foro Nuclear, Spain
Jean-Jacques Pleyers, Electrabel, Belgium
Mathias Schuch, Framatome-anp, Germany
John Shepherd, NucNet, Switzerland
Mihaela Stiopol, Nuclearelectrica, Romania
Tellervo Taipale, WANO Paris
Christian Woessner, Deutsches Atomforum, Germany


The European Nuclear Society wishes to express its sincere gratitude to the International Atomic Energy Agency for its valuable contribution to the conference program.