in cooperation with:

Hungarian Nuclear Society

Pime 2010

14 - 17 February 2010, Budapest, Hungary


Communications Showcase

Communications showcase

Communications showcase
With presentations from:

Swiss Nuclear Forum: «nuclearplanet», the interactive and up-to-date global map of nuclear powerplants 

Nuclear Research & Consultancy Group: Securing the delivery of clean energy and quality healthcare for the future: PALLAS, a new research reactor in the Netherlands

CEZ, a. s.: Debates with students “Energy – the Future of Humankind”

CEZ, DUKOVANY NPP: 25 Anniversary of Dukovany NPP´s operation

Belgian Nuclear Forum: Presentation of two campaigns in 2009

World Nuclear Association: Presentation of World Nuclear News

Nuclear Information Committee of Europe (NICE): Presentation of NICE, a group gathering European nuclear communications professionals

Communicatom: Presentation of ‘Communicatom’, a recently created blog on nuclear communications

NECSA: NECSA’s approach to Nuclear Public Understanding

Slovenske Elektrarne: New clear power from Mochovce 3&4 PWR

Argentinean Nuclear Regulatory Authority: Communication of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority in Argentina

Nuclear Industry Association: The SC@nuclear communication plan

NucNet: Presentation of NucNet    

IAEA: IAEA and its work

ONET Technologies/WiN France : The WiN France/EDF Fem'Energia award

Presentations in the Corvina 4 room

14:30 – 14:50    

Denials and Delays of Radioactive Materials
Bernard Monot, AREVA

14:50 – 15:10   

Putting our heads together: communicating with the past to guarantee our future
Darren McGarry, Ulrik Von Estorff, European Commission – JRC



   PIME 2010 is organised in collaboration with

OECD Nuclear Energy Agency


  Graphics and Design: Marion Brünglinghaus, ENS