RRFM 2007 /IGORR – Invitation to Exhibit
Meet your customers
Take the opportunity to meet old and new customers by participating
in the Exhibition at the joint RRFM 2007 / IGORR conference!
Meet the joint research reactor audience! Reserve now!
Exhibition Floorplan
The joint conference, bringing together the ENS
International Topical Meeting of Research Reactor Fuel Management
(RRFM) and the Meeting of the International Group on Research
Reactors (IGORR) will take place at the International Conference
Center of Lyon.
The conference will take place in the new ‘Salle
3000’ area of the Conference Center that was inaugurated
in 2006. The exhibition will be located in the conference foyer
where coffee and lunches will be served, close to the main entrance
and registration desk, right next to the delegate traffic. This
location will guarantee maximum contact between exhibitors and
Price per M2:
Space only:
Space only + furniture:
Modular shell scheme stand:
330 Euro per m²
350 Euro per m²
400 Euro per m² |
The space is fully carpeted. The exhibitor can
choose between SPACE-ONLY, with or without furniture,
and a MODULAR SHELL SCHEME STAND with walls and
furniture. ENS members have a 10% reduction (as
per the membership status on 1 January 2007).
Both formulas are flexible:
they include a minimum reservation but exhibitors can add as many
square meters as they like and need (see prices above).
The exhibitor only rents the space and sets
up the stand at his own expenses.
Option 1: Without furniture
The minimum reservation is 3m x 0.5m (1.5m²), but only
to set up a promotional display. The minimum stand space is 3m
x 1.5m if a company representative is present, and includes a
free delegate pass.
The minimum cost of option 1
is 495 Euro for 1.5m².
Option 2: With furniture
The minimum space that can be reserved is 3m x 1.5m (4.5m²).
This option includes the following:
The minimum cost of option 2 is 1575 Euro for 4.5m²
(including one free delegate pass).
The exhibitor rents exhibition space and a carpeted, modular
stand including walls, fascia with company name, and furniture.
The minimum space that can be reserved is 3m x 2m (6m²).
Furniture includes a table and 3 chairs and up to two further
furniture items from the following list: counter, low cupboard
and magazine holder.
Option 1: Up to 9m²
This option includes one free delegate pass worth 650 Euro (non-member
Option 2: Above 9m²
This option includes two free delegate passes worth 650 Euro (non-member
rate) each.
The minimum cost of a modular shell scheme stand is 2400
Euro for 6m² (including one free delegate pass and
a second pass at the lowest registration fee).
Download the RRFM 2007 Stand Order Form
European Nuclear Society
Kirsten Epskamp
Tel: +32 (0)2 505 3054
Fax:+32 (0)2 502 3902