


European Nuclear Society


organized in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency

International Atomic Energy Agency

Post-conference Technical Visit

The RRFM delegates can choose between the two following Technical tours:

First option: CERCA Romans plant

Thursday 15th of March 2007 – whole day

AREVA CERCA, a wholly-owned AREVA NP subsidiary, fabricates and supplies fuel elements for research reactors and has developed all the associated services such as transport and the supply of uranium.

AREVA CERCA is world leader of the research reactor fuel supply market. Its units are located in Romans, in the south of Lyon.

AREVA CERCA shares its activities with AREVA FBFC, in the same site of Romans. AREVA FBFC, another AREVA NP subsidiary, produces fuels for commercial light water reactors.

The Technical tour proposed includes:

  • Visit of CERCA Workshops

  • Visit of FBFC facilities

For more information www.cerca.fr/uk/inden.htm or www.areva.com

Buses will be back in Lyon by 17.30.

Second option: Institut Laue Langevin in Grenoble

Thursday 15th of March 2007 – whole day

With its international funding and expertise, the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) offers scientists and industry the world's leading facility in neutron science and technology. From its Grenoble site in the South-East of France, the Institute operates the most intense neutron source on Earth (for more information www.ill.fr).

Buses will leave from the Conference Center in the morning and will be back in Lyon by 17.30.

Nuclear Cargo + Service GmbH (NCS)
Technical Visits is graciously sponsored by Nuclear Cargo + Service GmbH (NCS)


The two technical tours are included in the registration fee.

The maximum size of each group is limited and participation is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please fill in the appropriate section of the registration form and the required information for the security check.