ENS Guide to European web sites

EP Committees

The Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) is responsible for the : EU industrial policy and the application of new technologies; EU research policy, including the dissemination and exploitation of research findings; EU space policy ; activities of the Joint Research Centre and the Central Office for Nuclear Measurements, as well as JET, ITER and other projects; Community measures relating to energy policy in general, security of energy supply and energy efficiency including establishment and development of trans-European Energy networks ; Euratom Treaty and Euratom Supply Agency ; nuclear safety, decommissioning and waste disposal ; information society and information technology, including communication networks.

The Environment Committee (ENVI) was set up in 1973. Its subsequent increase in power arose through extended responsibilities in the EU on environmental matters and through greater sensitivity to electoral demands for environmental protection and consumer protection, and later also food safety and public health matters. ENVI took on responsibility for most areas of environmental, food safety, consumer protection and public health under co-decision (Amsterdam Treaty 1999). The Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee of the 6th legislature have 63 Members and its Chairman is Karl-Heinz Florenz. The Committee has responsibility for the activities of the EU Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA), the EU Environment Agency (EEA), the EU Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the EU Veterinary Office and the EU Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC):

The Committee on Agriculture (AGRI) has 42 Members chaired by Joseph Daul. AGRI is responsible for : the operation and development of the common agricultural policy; rural development, including the activities of the relevant financial instruments; legislation on veterinary and plant-health matters, animal feeding stuffs provided such measures are not intended to protect against risks to human health, and animal husbandry and welfare; the improvement of the quality of agricultural products; supplies of agricultural raw materials; the Community Plant Variety Office; forestry:

The Committee on Culture & Education (CULT) has 35 Members. CULT is responsible for : the cultural aspects of the European Union (including improving the knowledge); the Union's education policy, including the European higher education area, the promotion of the system of European schools and lifelong learning; audiovisual policy and the cultural and educational aspects of the information society; youth policy and the development of a sports and leisure policy; information and media policy; cooperation with third countries in the areas of culture and education and relations with the relevant international organisations and institutions:

The Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) has 78 Members chaired by Elmar Brok.AFET is responsible for: the common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and the European security and defence policy (ESDP). In this context the committee is assisted by a Subcommittee for Security and Defence (SEDE); relations with other EU institutions and bodies, the UNO and other international organisations; the strengthening of political relations with third countries, particularly those in the immediate vicinity of the Union; the opening, monitoring and concluding of negotiations concerning the accession of European States to the Union; issues concerning human rights, the protection of minorities and the promotion of democratic values in third countries. In this context the committee is assisted by a Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI):

The Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) has 51Members chaired by Paolo Costa. TRAN is : matters relating to the development of a common policy for rail, road, inland waterway, maritime and air transport, in particular the establishment transport trans-European networks infrastructure, transport safety, relations with international transport organisations; postal services; tourism:

The Committee on Petitions (PETI) has 25 Members chaired by Marcin Libicki. PETI is responsible for addressing petitions submitted by the European Union citizens and relations with the European Ombudsman:









11 - 15 March 2018
Munich, Germany


30 September - 04 October 2018
Prague, Czech Republic