ENS Guide to European web sites

EU services: publications, libraries, statistics, public opinion, recruitment

The Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (Publications Office) is the publishing house of the institutions and other bodies of the European Union (EU). It is responsible for producing and distributing EU publications on all media and by all means. The Office assists the EU institutions in their efforts to enhance the transparency of the legislative process and European policies, and to facilitate access to the entire body of European legislation and information with the aim of bringing the Union closer to its citizens. The Office also publishes in the Official Journal invitations to tender, pre-information notices, contract award notices, etc., for public works, supply and service contracts. Some 900 notices are currently published every working day in each of the EU official languages:

The many different libraries of the EU institutions are grouped in a system called “Eurolib” created in 1997 to serve the members and staff of the institutions; many also offer access to outside researchers. Central to this system is the Central Library of the European Commission, a special reference and research library with facilities in Brussels andLuxembourg. Established to meet the library needs of the European Commission and its staff, it nevertheless welcomes as many outside researchers as it can. External researchers needing access to EU publications may be granted visitor's cards as facilities allow:

The mission of the Statistical Office of the European Communities (“Eurostat”), situated in Luxembourg, is to provide the EU with a high-quality statistical information service that enable comparisons between countries and regions. Democratic societies do not function properly without a solid basis of reliable and objective statistics. National statistics are important for national purposes in Member States whereas EU statistics are essential for decisions and evaluation at European level. International statistics are a way of getting toknow neighbours in Member States and countries outside the EU. They are an important and objective way of measuring how all live:

Through its Public Opinion Analysis sector, the European Commission has been monitoring since 1973 the evolution of public opinion in the Member States, thus helping the preparation of texts, decision-making and the evaluation of its work. The surveys and studies carried out are addressing all the major topics concerning European citizenship: social situation, health, culture, research, information technology, energy, environment, euro, foreignpolicy, defence, etc...:

The European Communities Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) aims to provide the public with free access to reliable information about recruitment to the EU institutions and to make best use of information technology to improve the management of selection procedures. EPSO was established on 26 July 2002. Its mission is to organise open competitions to select highly qualified staff for recruitment to all institutions of the European Union, namely the European Parliament, the Council, the European Commission, the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Ombudsman. EPSO website provides the citizens with information on career opportunities in the EU:









11 - 15 March 2018
Munich, Germany


30 September - 04 October 2018
Prague, Czech Republic