ENS Guide to European web sites

European Parliament (EP)

The European Parliament (EP) is the democratic voice of the peoples of Europe. The European Parliament first met in 1952. Directly elected every five years. EP’s principal roles are as follows : to examine and adopt European legislation ; under the co-decision procedure, EP shares this power equally with the Council of Ministers; to approve the EU budget; to exercise democratic control over the other EU institutions; to assent to important international agreements. The EP has parliamentary committees to deal with particular issues (industry, research & energy; environment; transport & tourism; foreign affairs,...).

The European Parliament is made up of 751 Members elected in the 28 Member States of the enlarged European Union. Since 1979 MEPs have been elected by direct universal suffrage for a five-year period.

Scientific & Technological Options Assessment (STOA). Many issues coming before the European Parliament have a scientific or technological theme: proposals directly relating to research or innovation policy, measures concerning the many ways in which science and technology impact on society, the economy or the environment. The European Parliament defines its position on these issues through reports prepared by its Committees. If Committees decide that it would be helpful to their policy making role to seek out expert, independent assessments of the various scientific or technological options in the policy sectors concerned, then they have STOA at their disposal: the EP's own Scientific and Technological Options Assessment unit (STOA):









11 - 15 March 2018
Munich, Germany


30 September - 04 October 2018
Prague, Czech Republic