Bulgarian Nuclear Society Annual Conference
‘ Nuclear Power for the People’

by Todor Madolev, BgNS

Nuclear Power for the People

Scientific Support for Nuclear Energy and Medical Radiology were the general topics discussed at the 2007 conference of the Bulgarian Nuclear Society (BgNS), held in Plovdiv town, 14-17 November 2007, under the patronage of the Bulgarian Nuclear Safety Agency.

The discussions and conclusions of the conference addressed the main challenges forcing the Bulgarian nuclear community: the construction of Belene NPP and refurbishment of the research reactor in Sofia.

The participation of young scientists and specialists, among many world-famous nuclear experts, was notable and some of their best presentations and posters received awards. The first prize was won by Ivelina Dimitrova for her presentation “Desorption of 222Rn from Polycarbonate Samples”, and the second, by S. Geirgiev for his presentation entitled “Calibration of Diffusion Chambers for Measuring 222Rn in Air”, both from the Department of Atomic Physics, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The third prize went to D. Kirilova from the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences who presented a poster entitled “Conformity between LR0 mock-ups and VVERs NPP RPV attenuation”.

Thanks to Prof. F. Deconinck, the following important presentations were given:

  • Nuclear Imaging in the Realm of Medical Imaging, by Frank Deconinck, SCK-CEN, Belgium;

Nuclear Imaging in the Realm of Medical Imaging

  • New UN Estimates of the Health Effects of Radiation Exposure, and The Latest International Radiation Protection Recommendations, by Abel J. Gonzalez, UNSCEAR Representative and ICRP Commissioner, Argentina;

  • European Higher Education in Nuclear Engineering: Current Trends, by Michel Giot, SCK-CEN, Belgium;

  • PET/CT: A Winning Combination, by Hendrik Everaert, University of Brussels, Belgium.

The round table debate entitled ‘Public Relations in the Nuclear’ was jointly organized with the Ukrainian Nuclear Society. High-level experts took part. The round table ‘Challenges towards the Education in the Nuclear Field’ gave an opportunity for some other hot issues to be put under the microscope.

Scientific Support of Nuclear Energy and Medical Radiology

Both round tables were deemed not only of fundemental importance for Bulgaria but also a corner-stone for human resources involvement, necessary to meet the demands of the nuclear energy renaissance and its modern application in medicine and industry. It was concluded that the fulfillment of the complex tasks for the world development of nuclear education needs the support of international cooperation and that ENS member societies and ENS itself have to take the initiative in this important mission.


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