NESTet2008 - Call for Papers
The NESTet 2008 Programme Committee and the European Nuclear
Society (ENS) are calling for presentations for an important
conference, dedicated to networking in nuclear education
and training across the fields of engineering science and technology.
We invite both oral papers and poster presentations
for the following thematical tracks:
Science, Engineering and Technology in Education
Training Programmes for Industry
Experimental Facilities for Education and Training
The Role of Education in Knowledge Management
Radiation Protection
NESTet 2008 is designed to
facilitate an exchange of information, collaboration and the
sharing of best practices in nuclear education and training in
engineering science and technology.
Respond now to the challenge of maintaining nuclear knowledge
and ensuring there is a suitably qualified nuclear workforce
for the future; send your abstract by 15 January 2008 to the
NESTet Programme Committee!
Help us spread the news about NESTet 2008 and make sure your
colleagues get to know about the conference through our website
or via this e-mail.
NESTet 2008 Conference Secretariat