UK Takes Final Decision to Build New Nuclear Plants

The British government announced on 10 January that a new generation of nuclear power plants will be built in the UK to contribute to the promotion of a “secure, diverse and low-carbon energy mix.” The decision to re-invest in nuclear energy as an essential part of that energy mix is the main conclusion to emerge from the Nuclear White Paper that the government published.

In a statement to the British Parliament outlining the conclusions of the Nuclear White Paper, Business Secretary, John Hutton, said that the expansion of Britain’s nuclear sector should “.play a role in providing the UK with clean, secure and affordable energy that is in our country’s vital long-term interest.” He launched the process by inviting companies to submit plans for the construction and operation of a new fleet of nuclear power plants.

Proposed new energy legislation also published contains clauses to ensure adequate funding provision is made by potential developers of new nuclear units for the full costs of decommissioning and their full share of waste management costs.

The White Paper is a response to the consultation that took place from 23 May to 10 October 2007. The results of the consultation were also published on the same day.

For further information, please consult the press release of the British government’s Department for Business Enterprise & Regulatory Reform, the press release of the NIA (the Nuclear Industry Association, UK) and the Analysis of consultation responses and the consultation website.

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