ENS Education % Training Platform

Education & Training

Belgium Belgium

Governmental Authorities and Organisations

Governmental Authorities and Organisations

  1. European Underground Research Infrastructure for Disposal of nuclear waste in Clay Environment – EIG EURIDICE

    EIG EURIDICE is tasked with carrying out a whole range of intellectual activities relating to the underground disposal of radioactive waste wit a view to developing and facilitating the economic activity of its member.

  2. Federal Agency for Nuclear Control – FANC

    FANC, an autonomous national body in Belgium, with a mission to propose/regulate/monitor and oversee the implementation of chemical/radiological protection measures. Runs Telerad network established in 1998, which has 212 network surveillance centers constantly monitoring radiological activity. The FANC is the competent authority in the field of nuclear applications. It relies on the technical expertise of its subsidiary Bel V and certified bodies Techni-Test and Controlatom for carrying out inspections in nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations in Belgium (hospitals, universities, radiological installations).

  3. BEL V

    Bel V is a subsidiary of the FANC (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control) and has since 14 April 2008 taken over the regulatory controls in larger nuclear installations formerly carried out by the Authorized Inspection Organization AVN.

    Bel V:

    • acts as expert for the safety assessments of nuclear projects

    • participates actively in meetings and working groups that are organized in the framework of international organizations (EC – OECD – IAEA)

    • exchanges information and experience feedback with Belgian and foreign colleagues

    • contributes to the emergency plans called in for nuclear accidents.

  4. Vinçotte Nuclear Safety (VNS)

    VNS provides advices and technical support for nuclear safety and security, industrial safety and radiation protection to nuclear installation licensees and industries while keeping its support to safety authorities worldwide. VNS also promotes the dissemination of safety culture by developing the know-how through trainings, information sessions, publications, seminars and grants.

  5. AV Controlatom

    AV Controlatom is one of the two inspection bodies certified by FANC, specialised in health physics, occupational dosimetry, medical physics and radiactive transport.

  6. Techni-Test

    Techni-Test is a certified inspection body with its main activities in the dental and vetirinarian sector.

  7. The Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials – ONDRAF/NIRAS

    ONDRAF/NIRAS was set up by the Belgian State to safely manage the radioactive waste produced in Belgium. The Agency also has the task of devising and implementing safe technical solutions for the long-term management of this waste.