Education & Training
Electrabel is positioned in the Benelux as a provider of comprehensive and tailor-made energy solutions. Whether you are an industrialist, manager of a small or medium-sized enterprise, self-employed or private individual, Electrabel responds to your specific requirements. The generating capacity of its facilities reaches at the moment 16 300 MW. Its activities are supported and optimized by portfolio management and trading operations of the GDF SUEZ Group.
GDF Suez Nuclear Trainees programme
During more than 20 years, BELGONUCLEAIRE has produced MOX (Mixed OXides) fuel for nuclear power plants.The last fabrication campaign has been completed on 15 August 2006.
The company provides extensive nuclear engineering studies in the following areas:
Belgonucleaire designs and supplies systems for the treatment and conditioning of nuclear waste. The company helps to choose the strategy of conditioned waste and end of nuclear fuel cycle strategies (reprocessing and final storage).
Belgoprocess, a private company founded in 1984 in the Belgian nuclear area of Mol-Dessel, offers integrated nuclear waste management and decommissioning services, driven by safety and backed by hands-on industrial experience.
IBA develops, manufactures and supports medical devices and software solutions for cancer treatment by proton beam therapy, for cancer diagnosis and for patient quality assurance (Dosimetry).