ENS Education % Training Platform

Education & Training

France France

Research Institutes and Laboratories

Nuclear Research Institutes and Laboratories

  1. Centre of study on evaluation of the nuclear safety CEPN

    The CEPN was created in 1976 as non-profit affiliation to establish the platform for the Research and Studies in the field of nuclear safety to optimize the radiological protection.

  1. National Center for  Scientific Research CNRS

    The CNRS is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France’s Ministry of Research; divided into 7 scientific departments:

  • Nuclear and particle physics

  • Physical sciences and mathematics

  • Engineering sciences

  • Chemical sciences

  • Astrophysics

  • Life sciences

  • Humanities and social sciences

  1. Laboratory for Subatomic Physics and Cosmology

    The Laboratory is a mixed research unit affiliated by 5 research affiliations (CNRS, IN2P3, UJF, and INPG). One of the research area is the nuclear energy.

  2. National Large Heavy Ion Accelerator – GANIL

    GANIL is one of the four largest laboratories in the world dedicated to research using ion beams. The fields of experimentation range from radiotherapy to the physics of the atom and its nucleus, from condensed matter to astrophysics. In nuclear physics, work at GANIL has led to numerous discoveries related to the atomic nucleus, to its thermal and mechanical properties, and to so-called exotic nuclei, as these do not exist naturally on Earth.

    In collaboration with the Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire, GANIL organizes an annual summer school for its students to help them discover different aspects of research in these laboratories.

    GANIL offers a scientific stage for the young professionals, who wish to write their PhD thesis.


  3. The Laboratory of Plasma Physics

    The Laboratory offers the trainings for Master graduates. The graduates have the opportunity for PhD thesis.


  4. The Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety – IRSN

    Educational activities of IRSN

    The IRSN is charged with the training of medical personnel and others exposed to radiation in the workplace. The institute also provides a wide range of advanced training sessions in nuclear safety and regulation, as well as initial training in radiation protection. Some of these training sessions lead to qualifications that are recognized throughout France.

    Together with other European Technical Safety Organisation (TSOs) IRSN is designing a new training programme in English that aims to provide a common culture in nuclear risk assessment to regulators and TSOs within Europe and possibly in other countries as well.