ENS Education % Training Platform

Education & Training


Governmental Organisations and Authorities

Governmental Organisations and Authorities    

  1. The Federal Office for Radiation Protection - BFS

    BfS works for the safety and protection of man and the environment against damages due to ionising and non-ionising radiation. In the field of ionising radiation there are, e. g., X-ray diagnostics in medicine, safety in the handling of radioactive substances in nuclear technology and the protection against enhanced natural radioactivity. The work in the field of non-ionising radiation includes the protection against ultraviolet radiation and the effects of mobile communication.

    BFS organises Colloquiums Radiation Protection and Environment


  1. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

  1. German Commission on Radiological protection

    The Commission on Radiological Protection shall advise the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) on issues involving the protection against dangers of ionising and non-ionising radiation.