Issue No. 49 Autumn
(November 2015)


ENS News

Word from the President

TopFuel 2015 in Zürich

Corrosion and Hydrogen Pickup in Zircaloy-2 Channels with and without Proximity to Control Blade

The Effect of Stress Biaxiality on Hydride Reorientation Threshold Stress

ENS Events

PIME 2016

RRFM 2016

Nestet 2016

ENC 2016

Member Societies

Spanish Nuclear Society

Nuclear Societies sign new MOU to continue UK-Japan collaboration

Slovak Nuclear Society technical visit to Hungary

The 20th  Edition of the „Alexandru Ene” Drawing and Essay Contest

Nuclear 2015

Energy for Humanity: a new voice for the environmental movement

Summer nuclear activities in Hungary

YGN Report

Call for summary IYNC2016

Corporate Members

L-3 MAPPS to Deliver Severe Accident Simulator to Westinghouse for Project in Japan

Algeria boosts expertise in nuclear technology through collaboration between COMENA and SCK•CEN

SCK•CEN presents modernization of BR2 research reactor at IAEA general conference in Vienna

IAEA and SCK•CEN Academy to cooperate deeper in education, training and research

Ansaldo NES – Silo Emptying Plant Mobile Caves

How the uranium enrichment SC "PA ECP" won the trophy as the "Best Fuel Company Enterprise for Civil Protection" from Russia's TVEL

ENS World News

Nuclear reactor core melt accidents. State of knowledge

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff


PIME 2016

PIME 2016
14 - 17 February 2016 in Bucharest, Romania


RRFM 2016
RRFM 2016
13 - 17 March 2016 in Berlin, Germany
NESTet 2016
NESTet 2016
22 -26 May 2016 in Berlin, Germany
ENC 2016

ENC 2016
9 - 13 October 2016 in Warsaw, Poland

ENC 2016

ENC 2016 - Call for Papers

The European Forum to discuss Nuclear Science & Technology Issues, Opportunities & Challenges

9 - 13 October 2016, Warsaw, Poland

ENC 2016 provides a platform for the nuclear science community to share their experience and to learn about the latest developments going on in nuclear research and their practical applications. It will furthermore exploit synergy among scientists, industry representatives, policy-makers and citizens on wider societal issues that impact upon how the nuclear science community carries out its work.

ENS and the ENC 2016 Programme Committee are now calling for abstracts in the following areas:

  • Nuclear science applications for industry and society
    Silicon doping; neutron activation analysis including PGAA and delayed neutron detection; isotopes production and supply; water desalination; heat cogeneration; sterilisation; hydrogen generation; non-destructive testing including neutron radiography and tomography; nuclear in space; instrumentation; geochronology, gem stone coloration;...

  • Life science applications
    Radiation protection; low-dose research; environmental studies; diagnostics and therapeutic applications; development of new radiopharmaceuticals; instrumentation; ...

  • Advanced reactor technologies
    Innovative technologies for Generation III+ reactors; Generation IV reactors; small and modular reactors; innovative reactor concepts, including the Thorium cycle; research reactor and testing facilities; fusion reactors; nuclear data; space propulsion reactors; naval civil reactors; floating nuclear plants;  …

  • Current reactor technologies and new build
    Creating the framework for newcomers; localisation; stakeholder involvement; socio-economic impact; development of competences, development of a safety culture; licencing; regulation and supervision; regulator recruitment in an expanding industry; innovative construction and engineering; innovations in the supply chain or construction engineering; training methods and experiments for new coming countries; funding issues; managing budgets and planning; strategic export control;…

  • Plant operations
    Operation and maintenance; operation support systems; control room design review; human and organisational factors; instrumentation and control; plant life management; equipment and component obsolescence; material technology and testing; fuel surveillance; meeting grid requirements; lessons learned; plant software simulators; reactor physics software simulators; long term operation; …

  • Nuclear Fuel
    Front end; fuel materials; in core management and fuel behaviour; management of fuel leaking; improved fuel performance; used fuel management; used fuel inspection; long term resource management; uranium and plutonium recycling; partitioning and transmutation; transport of fuel; thorium fuel;…

  • Waste management, dismantling and decommissioning
    Waste management; interim storage; waste segregation, exemptions and recycling; surface and geological disposal facilities; material – host rock interactions; decommissioning; decontamination; dismantling; rehabilitation; regulations; socio-economic impact;...

  • Safety and Security
    Safety management; continuous improvement of safety culture; cyber security; implementation of updated international safety standards; review of national regulatory requirements on safety and of licensing activities; design review and upgrades including associated facilities (spent fuel storage facilities); safety analysis methods and approaches; implementation of updated international security recommendations; review of national security regulatory requirements; security management; review of emergency and contingency plans; interface security; threat assessment and design basis threat; instrumentation; managing severe accidents beyond design conditions; impact of European stress tests; ...

  • Education, training and knowledge management
    Initiatives in education, training and knowledge management; education & training facilities; knowledge transfer; new skills requirements; human capital development; human performance and safety culture; non-destructive testing: personnel qualification and certification; training results: evaluation methodologies; international collaboration; recruitment and labour market issues, e-learning; training simulators; ...

  • Public engagement for nuclear
    Public information;  including communicating on nuclear events, nuclear and the societal debates, including and at international fora, nuclear and social media, public perception, stakeholder involvement, economical aspects of nuclear, including CO2;  nuclear liability and insurance; countries’ perspectives on nuclear energy policy; international initiatives and projects,...

Upload your abstracts before 1 March 2016
or contact for further information

Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: 1 March 2016
Notification of authors: 30. April 2016
Deadline for submission of Full Papers requesting a peer review: 30 June 2016
Peer review of Full Papers concluded and author notification: 31 August 2016
Deadline for submission of Full Papers and Extended Abstracts: 15 September 2016
Deadline for submission of PowerPoint presentations: 1 October 2016
ENC 2016: 9 – 13 October 2016

ENC 2016 Conference Secretariat:
Tel: + 32 2 505 30 54
Fax: +32 2 502 3902



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