Call for summary IYNC2016
The call for summary submissions for the IYNC2016 conference to be held in Huangzhou, China, is now open.
Submission guidelines
Authors are asked to submit directly a minimum two-page (max four pages) summary, which will be reviewed for relevance and quality. See instructions in the following template.
Summaries may be submitted for the following sessions:
NPP Operation and Maintenance, Design Modification
Advanced Reactors Design (including Gen IV)
Reactor Physics and Neutronics
Thermal Hydraulics
Nuclear Fuel and Materials
Nuclear Safety, Security, Safeguards (including non-proliferation) and Radiation Protection
Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Waste Management and Decommissioning
Education, Human Resources Development and Knowledge Management
Politics, Economics, and Societal issues
Applications of Nuclear Technology in Non-power Sectors
YGN best practices
When submitting the summary, authors can express their preference for oral presentation or poster session. The organization will ultimately decide on the way it is presented.
Over 100 high quality full papers will be selected and published in a special issue of Energy Procedia (A peer-review Journal indexed by Scopus, Thomson CPCI and Ei). There will also be awards for the best presentations and posters.
Submission Deadlines
November 15th 2015:
Summary (2-4 pages) submission deadline
December 15th 2015:
Summary acceptance
March 15th 2016:
Full paper (5-8 pages) submission deadline
For any further information please visit our webpage:
Sponsorship for IYNC2016
IYNC2016 will be held in Hangzhou, China and will bring together more than 700 young and senior professionals, students and academia. IYNC2016 will feature plenary sessions, interactive workshops, technical tracks, a large variety of technical tours and networking activities. In the spirit of a volunteer organization, we are seeking corporate and organizational sponsors and exhibitors who believe in the future of the nuclear industry and in the potential of the next generation. There are six levels of sponsorship: contributor, bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond, with an increasing level of benefits to the sponsor. We will give your organization the recognition you deserve!
More sponsorship information:
Corporate Sponsorship Chair
Local Sponsorship Chair
IYNC 2016 Sponsorship information |