Issue No. 49 Autumn
(November 2015)


ENS News

Word from the President

TopFuel 2015 in Zürich

Corrosion and Hydrogen Pickup in Zircaloy-2 Channels with and without Proximity to Control Blade

The Effect of Stress Biaxiality on Hydride Reorientation Threshold Stress

ENS Events

PIME 2016

RRFM 2016

Nestet 2016

ENC 2016

Member Societies

Spanish Nuclear Society

Nuclear Societies sign new MOU to continue UK-Japan collaboration

Slovak Nuclear Society technical visit to Hungary

The 20th  Edition of the „Alexandru Ene” Drawing and Essay Contest

Nuclear 2015

Energy for Humanity: a new voice for the environmental movement

Summer nuclear activities in Hungary

YGN Report

Call for summary IYNC2016

Corporate Members

L-3 MAPPS to Deliver Severe Accident Simulator to Westinghouse for Project in Japan

Algeria boosts expertise in nuclear technology through collaboration between COMENA and SCK•CEN

SCK•CEN presents modernization of BR2 research reactor at IAEA general conference in Vienna

IAEA and SCK•CEN Academy to cooperate deeper in education, training and research

Ansaldo NES – Silo Emptying Plant Mobile Caves

How the uranium enrichment SC "PA ECP" won the trophy as the "Best Fuel Company Enterprise for Civil Protection" from Russia's TVEL

ENS World News

Nuclear reactor core melt accidents. State of knowledge

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff


PIME 2016

PIME 2016
14 - 17 February 2016 in Bucharest, Romania


RRFM 2016
RRFM 2016
13 - 17 March 2016 in Berlin, Germany
NESTet 2016
NESTet 2016
22 -26 May 2016 in Berlin, Germany
ENC 2016

ENC 2016
9 - 13 October 2016 in Warsaw, Poland

L-3 MAPPS to Deliver Severe Accident Simulator to Westinghouse for Project in Japan

L-3 MAPPS announced that it has won an order from Westinghouse Electric Company to deliver a full-scale 1,000 MWe class pressurized water reactor (PWR) simulator equipped with severe accident simulation capability as part of a larger project that Westinghouse is fulfilling for a customer in Tokyo, Japan. The simulator will be used to teach operators plant responses ranging from normal operations to severe accidents. It will be in service in the first quarter of 2016.

“Westinghouse and L-3 MAPPS have a rich and long history of working together to enable Westinghouse control systems with L-3 MAPPS-developed plant simulators in the U.S. and in Europe,” said Scott Roberts, Director of operator interface for Westinghouse.

“L-3 MAPPS is committed to making a contribution to nuclear safety with this new project,” said Michael Chatlani, Vice President of marketing & sales for L-3 MAPPS Power Systems and Simulation. “The project is L-3 MAPPS’ first sale into the Japanese market and we look forward to further developing our relationships in this region.”

The simulator will be based on L-3’s latest fully integrated Orchid® simulation environment and will operate within a virtual control room implemented using the Orchid Touch Interface and Orchid Sound System solutions, providing a full-scale training environment. The virtual panels and Orchid Instructor Station will be made available in Japanese to facilitate operation of the PWR simulator.

L-3 MAPPS will also connect the Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI) Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP5) to the simulator. The simulator models will include support for the connection of external power and water sources, part of the diverse and flexible (FLEX) response strategy developed by industry to address challenges experienced at the Fukushima Daiichi power station following the earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. MAAP5 is a software program that performs severe accident analysis for nuclear power plants, including assessments of core damage and radiological transport.* The simulator will also be equipped with new two-dimensional and three-dimensional animated, interactive visualizations of the reactor vessel, containment building and spent fuel pool to provide trainees with additional insight into the behavior of the plant during severe accidents. With severe accident simulation capabilities, the PWR simulator will support training scenarios relating to degraded reactor core conditions that result in fuel melting, including cladding oxidation and hydrogen generation, vessel failure, containment failure and fission product release.


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