ENS Education % Training Platform

Education & Training

Sweden Sweden


  1. Swedish Centre of Nuclear Technology SKC

    SKC is financed by Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, Ringhals AB, OKG AB, Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB and Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten (SSM). The SKC activities and financing are controlled by an agreement between the financing parties and the universities Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Chalmers University of Technology and Uppsala Uni­versity.

    SKC has five top level goals for reaching its vision:

  • Increase the interest among students to enter nuclear technology education.

  • Make sure that the needs of the SKC financing parties to recruit qualified personnel with a nuclear technology education are met. To meet this goal, the universities will offer relevant basic education, execute research projects and support continued education of engineers already active in the nuclear technology area.

  • Offer attractive education in the nuclear technology area.

  • Create strong and internationally acknowledged research groups within areas which are vital for and unique to the nuclear technology area.

  • Create organizations and skills at the universities such that research can be performed on account of the financers of the SKC also outside the boundaries of the SKC agreement.


  1. KSU – Nuclear Power Safety and Education

    KSU is the Swedish nuclear power Center for training and simulator training and was developed to make the Swedish nuclear power safer. KSU analyzes operational experience from all the world's nuclear power stations and informs the Swedish nuclear power stations about it.   KSUs analysis group informs society, decision-makers and opinion formers on nuclear safety, ionizing radiation and risk comparisons.

    KSU offers job training programs, undergraduate and graduate courses for NPPs personnel and KSUs instructors. Education is provided at university level courses in the nuclear field.