Education & Training
Research Institutes
Svedberg Laboratory TSL of Uppsala University
TSL provides particle beams for:
Proton therapy
Radiation testing
Basic research
National Electron Accelerator Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation Research, Nuclear Physics and Accelerator Physics – Max Lab
MAX-lab is a melting pot for a number of disciplines in natural science. Research is very active in chemistry, physics, nuclear physics and bio-physics. Two departments are directly present at MAX-lab: Accelerator physics and Synchrotron radiation instrumentation, but many more work very closely to the laboratory.
The Nuclear Technology research at the Uppsala University
The nuclear technology research in Uppsala aims at increased utilisation efficiency of natural resources, future reactor technologies e.g. Gen-IV, safeguards and final deposit of spent nuclear fuel. The fusion research is concentrated on burning fusion plasmas with large-scale electricity production as the long-term goal.
The nuclear technology research in Uppsala is conducted within four areas:
1) Basic research on the properties of nuclei with relevance for nuclear energy production.
2) Safeguards
3) Reactor physics and diagnostics. Within this broad field, technologies and methods are being developed in order to increase the utilisation efficiency of nuclear fuel and to increase safety of today’s reactors.
4) Research that addresses issues regarding the final storage of spent nuclear fuel.
Division of Nuclear and Particle Physics and the Nuclear and Hadron Physics Research at the Uppsala University