ENC 2002

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Juilo Barcelo, slides round-table "safety and deregulation"
Commissioner, Nuclear Safety Council, Spain
European Energy Event,

José Luis Gonzalez Martinez, round-table security of supply
Speech, by José-Luis Gonzalez Martinez
President, European Nuclear Council,
European Energy Event

Prof. Fritz Vahrenhol round table "Security of energy supply"
Slide presentation
round-table 'security of supply in the energy sector'
EEE Lille, 7 October 2002

Mauno Paavola, round-table "security of supply in the energy sector"
Slides to accompany speech
European Energy Event
Lille, 7 Oct

Mauno Paavola, round-table "security of supply in the energy sector"
Mauno Paavola President and CEO Teollisuuden Voima Oy, Finland, European Energy Event

Speech, Herman A. Grunder European Energy Event
Hermann Grunder, Director, Argonne National Laboratory To European Nuclear Conference 2002, Europea...

Power point presentation to accompany speech by First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation of ...

T. Taniguchi, slides "safety and deregulation" round table
Tomihiro Taniguchi
Deputy Director General for Nuclear Safety, IAEA
European Energy Event, 7 Oct

T. Taniguchi, speaking points, "safety and deregulation"
Tomihiro Taniguchi
Deputy Director General for Nuclear Safety, IAEA
round-table on safety and dereg...

Tomihiro Taniguchi biography

Josef Sedlàk biography

Josef Sedlàk speaking notes round-table "safety and deregulation"
Speaking notes to accompany slides European Energy Event ENC 2002

Josef Sedlàk slides round table "safety and deregulation"
Josef Sedlàk, Member of the Board of Directors, CEZ, Czech Republic
PowerPoint presentation

J-P Samain, round-table "Safety and Deregulation"
Speaking notes Jean Paul Samain, Director General, Federal Agency of Nuclear Control, Belgium Europ...

Nuclear Energy Sector Ready to Show its Strength
Press release 03-Oct-02

ENC 2002 Press Kit

Speech - Technical Conference Part 2 Section 4

Speech - Technical Conference Part 2 Section 4

E NC 2002 - Products&Services Guide

ENC 2002 - Products&Services Index

ENC2002 - Expo Guide

ENC2002 - Conference - Cost Reduction Program in Electrabel’s NPP
Cost Reduction Program in Electrabel’s NPP Lucas Mampaey, Electrabel (Belgium)

ENC2002 - Floor Plan Map

Registration Form - Technical Tour

Registration Form - Social & Post-Conference

ENC2002 - European Energy Event

ENC2002 - your paper submission

ENC2002 - Instruction for the authors

ENC2002 - International Scientific Seminars - Preliminary program


Preliminary Technical Conference Programme

3. Nuclear Plant Asset Enhancement - Lessons from Utility / Vendor Partnerships - GENE (USA), Mark Savoff

4. Reactor Decommissioning in a Deregulated Market - BNFL (UK), George Beverridge and Tim Cooper

18. Stringent Cost Management and Preservation of Safety Culture, a Contradiction? – RWE Power (Germany), Klaus Petersen and Hartmut Pamme

7. Information Technology Change in the Nuclear Generation Environment

3. Advanced Fuel Designs and Integrated Core Fuel Management, Key Factors for Minimum Power Generation Cost - Framatome ANP (Germany), Ulrich Giese (Germany), John Matheson (USA), Stefan vom Scheidt (France)

6. Permanence and Competitiveness - Technological Transition with a Long-Term View - COGEMA / Eurodif (France), Arnaud de Bourayne

3. Advanced Reactors - Design and Construction Lessons for the Future - GENE (USA), Steve Hucik and John Redding

The New ACR-700 Design - AECL (Canada), Romney B. Duffey, J. Hopwood,

3. Nuclear Plant Asset Enhancement - Lessons from Utility / Vendor Partnerships - GENE (USA), Mark Savoff

4. Reactor Decommissioning in a Deregulated Market - BNFL (UK), George Beverridge and Tim Cooper

Press release

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List of exhibitors

Exhibition statistics

Suppliers Seminars

Application form 2

Exhibit Application Form 1

Invitation to Exhibit

Preliminary Conference Programme

Call for papers

Transportation and Storage – a Mature Industry in an Evolving Environment COGEMA / Transnucléaire (France), Vincent Roland and Olivier Konirsch

Meeting the Needs of Utility Customers within the Current Requirements for Spent Fuel Transports — BNFL (UK), Mike Cavanagh

Benefit of Research in Fuel Performance - ENUSA (Spain)José L. González

Strategies for Safe and Cost-efficient Management of Nuclear Wastes in Finland - POSIVA (Finland), Veijo Ryhänen

12 Years Fuel Evolution Experience at Leibstadt NPP — Westinghouse (Sweden) Seppo Korhonen, Sture Helmersson and EGL (Switzerland) Tony Williams.

Nuclear Fuel - Globalization, Consolidation and Future Challenges - GNF (USA), Jack Fuller

 BNFL’s MOX Project - BNFL (UK), John Edwards

Advanced Fuel Designs and Integrated Core Fuel Management, Key Factors for Minimum Power Generation Cost - Framatome ANP (Germany), Ulrich Giese (Germany), John Matheson (USA), Stefan vom Scheidt (France)

Challenge of Safe NPP Operation and Construction in an Economy in Transition - SNN (Romania), Ioan Rotaru and Mircea Metes

In Service Inspection - Its Contribution to Life Management by Reducing O&M Costs — TECNATOM (Spain), Antonio Alonso

Safe, Efficient and Professional Operation of Nuclear Power Plants in Japan — TEPCo (Japan), Akira Omoto

Utility Cost Reduction Program at FP & L - Florida Power & Light (USA), Art Stall

Generation Cost Reduction Measures in Czech NPP - CEZ (Czech Republic), Josef Sedlakl

Vattenfall Generation - From Cost Centre to Profit Centre - Vattenfall (Sweden), Alf Lindfors

Long-Term Optimization of Outage Performance - Framatome ANP (Germany), Alexander Hümmeler and E.ON (German) Siegfried Seifert

Nuclear Generation Safety and Competitiveness - EDF (France), Laurent Stricker

Endesa (Asco 1 and Vandellos II) Consolidation Experience - Westinghouse (Spain), Tony Granda and ANAV (Spain) Juan Jose Perez Torrent

Forsmark NPP I & C Modernization Strategy - Westinghouse (Sweden), Johan Hallen, Ingemar Rydahl and Forsmark Kraftgrupp, Lennart Kloow

Engineering Services and Operating Performance Enhancement: One Key to Plant Competitiveness - Framatome ANP (France), Alain Gautier (France) and Heinrich Watzinger (Germany)

Operating Cost Reduction by Optimization of I & C Backfitting Strategy - Framatome ANP (Germany), Heinz-Ullrich Kraft

Additional Competitiveness and Safety by Modernization in Olkiluoto - TVO (Finland), Ami Rastas

Advancing the Competitive Future of Nuclear Power through Partnerships

The Essential Importance of Long-Term Procurement Contracts to New NPPs in Competitive Markets - ANS (USA), Harold B. Ray

The Framatome ANP Advanced Reactor Designs - Framatome ANP (France), Vincent Maurel

Role of Future New NPP in Competitive Electricity Markets - EDF (France), Bernard Dupraz

Nuclear Energy in Future Sustainable, Competitive Energy Mixes OECD / NEA, Luis Echávarri

Wolf-Dieter Krebs, European Nuclear Society (ENS)

ENC 2002 Booking forms

ENC 2002 Social tours

ENC2002 Technical tours








11 - 15 March 2018
Munich, Germany


30 September - 04 October 2018
Prague, Czech Republic