Issue No. 48 Winter
(May 2015)


ENS News

Word from the President

Status of the Fluoride Salt High Temperature Reactor Materials Irradiation Tests at the MIT Research Reactor

Assessment of the Burnout Phenomenon in the SAFARI-1

Developing Strategic Plans for Effective Utilization of Research Reactors

ENS Events

PIME 2015: Embracing and communicating change

RRFM 2015: From the Perspective of Young Generation

TopFuel 2015

Member Societies

The Nuclear Delta™ is now trademarked by the Nuclear Institute

NENE 2015

Spanish Nuclear Society

Three leading players on the nuclear skills landscape have joined forces to sign a new collaborative agreement that promotes the highest standards of professionalism across the UK’s nuclear industry.

Nuclear for Climate initiative fuels nuclear and climate change debate

Decommissioning on top of the agenda at ECED 2015 conference

YGN Report

Romania: Daniela Lulache, female leader of the nuclear industry

Corporate Members

Important update for reactor BR2


Improved Simulator Training Session Monitoring and Debriefing

Business Programme for the VII International Forum ATOMEXPO 2015 is approved

ENS World News

FORATOM GHG avoidance paper

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff


TopFuel 2015

Topfuel 2015
13 - 17 September 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland



Word from the President

Noel Camarcat

ENS conferences are important events for our members. They are a focal point where they meet and exchange their expertise and their latest results in the field of nuclear sciences, as well as general news about all things nuclear. On April 22, I attended the final sessions of the RRFM conference (Research Reactors, Fuels and Materials) in Bucharest. Since questions had been raised by the IAEA about the connection between research reactors and their end users, I spoke about the value of such important research facilities to a major nuclear operator like us at EDF. Allow me to quote my own words:

“As a major nuclear operator, we use research reactors in France and also in Europe. Sometimes we even go to other continents to use them. I was glad to hear Dr. O’Kelly from Idaho National Lab this morning. We do not use the ATR reactor and the associated fuel cells directly, but we use them through the EPRI Research Organization, of which we are a recognized international member.  

We use research reactors first for fuel qualification. Even though this was only one of the items in the table presented by Dr. Ridikas from IAEA, for us it is an important one. We perform load following on the French nuclear fleet and we have a special regulation for pellet cladding interaction (PCI), which we can only fully be qualified in research reactors. We also load MOX fuel in our 24 900 MW units, which are licensed for MOX and we like to be able to perform special measurements for such fuels, even though in an international programme UOX fuel will be the primary interest for most of the other industrial partners.

Of course, we also use research reactors for materials irradiation and qualification. It is no surprise that we spoke at the conference with AREVA about the non-occurrence of flakes in our reactor pressure vessels and, therefore, of the absence of embrittlement problems that potentially arise from such hydrogen flakes. We also gave details about ultrasonic measurement techniques and hydrogen degassing techniques in French steel warehouses. If you follow French media, steel fracture toughness in all kinds of forged steels has become a heated topic.

I am very glad that I came to Bucharest. I could only fully follow 2 sessions, one chaired by Dr Gerstenberg from München, if I remember correctly, and the other by Edgar Koonen, the Program Committee Chairman on International Issues. They were very good sessions, and I learned many things, for which I thank the speakers and the organizers.  Research reactors in Europe are important for the nuclear scientific community, and also for the larger industrial community. This is why we believe that your community should be helped and supported.

Thank you”.

Noël Camarcat
President of ENS

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