Issue No. 48 Winter
(May 2015)


ENS News

Word from the President

Status of the Fluoride Salt High Temperature Reactor Materials Irradiation Tests at the MIT Research Reactor

Assessment of the Burnout Phenomenon in the SAFARI-1

Developing Strategic Plans for Effective Utilization of Research Reactors

ENS Events

PIME 2015: Embracing and communicating change

RRFM 2015: From the Perspective of Young Generation

TopFuel 2015

Member Societies

The Nuclear Delta™ is now trademarked by the Nuclear Institute

NENE 2015

Spanish Nuclear Society

Three leading players on the nuclear skills landscape have joined forces to sign a new collaborative agreement that promotes the highest standards of professionalism across the UK’s nuclear industry.

Nuclear for Climate initiative fuels nuclear and climate change debate

Decommissioning on top of the agenda at ECED 2015 conference

YGN Report

Romania: Daniela Lulache, female leader of the nuclear industry

Corporate Members

Important update for reactor BR2


Improved Simulator Training Session Monitoring and Debriefing

Business Programme for the VII International Forum ATOMEXPO 2015 is approved

ENS World News

FORATOM GHG avoidance paper

ENS sponsored conferences

ENS Members

Links to ENS Member Societies

Links to ENS Corporate Members

Editorial staff


TopFuel 2015

Topfuel 2015
13 - 17 September 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland




Spanish Nuclear Society (First Quarter 2015)

The Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE) organized one again its yearly winter meeting, Nuclear Power Plants in 2014. Experiences and Perspectives, in which Spanish nuclear industry representatives discussed issues relating to nuclear power plant operation in 2014 and addressed the future of the nuclear industry. The meeting was once again attended by university representatives, both teachers and students.

SNE Winter Meeting 2014
Nuclear Power Plants in 2014

The Nuclear España Best Article Prize was awarded this year to the paper entitled:  AEA International Missions to Japan on proposed decommissioning of the nuclear power plant Fukushima Daiichi TEPCO-and rehabilitation of areas affected by the nuclear accident, which was written by Juan Carlos Lentijo. The Commission also gave an Honorific Mention to the magazine edition called Maintenance.

Nuclear Espana Best Article Prize
The wi´nner is: Honorific Mention

A Special Mention was also given to the 30th Anniversary of Cofrentes N.P.P

A Special Mention was also to the 30th Anniversary of Cofrentes N.P.P

The SNE Ordinary General Assembly convened immediately after the meeting.

The 41th Annual Meeting will be held from 23 to 25 September of 2015, in the city of Coruña. It will be hosted by Gas Natural Fenosa. All the relevant information about the meeting is available at:

41th Annual Meeting

The Terminology Commission, whose mission is to define in Spanish  - and with the highest degree of accuracy - the nuclear vocabulary that is used in the fields of science, technology and management,  has updated 37 nuclear terms in its “glossary.” The glossary can be consulted on the SNE’s website at:  A total of 1,187 nuclear words are featured, alongside their French and English translations.

WiN Spain New Board and Celebration of WiN Spain 20th Anniversary

During the recent General Assembly, the WiN Spain Board was reconstituted and Matilde Pelegri was elected as its new President. During the first meeting of the new Board the Activity Plan for 2015 was approved. In addition to the continuity that it provides through the organisation of conferences aimed at informing society in general, it is worth mentioning the special interest that WiN Spain has to open up its organisation to other professional women from related associations, such as those representing companies working in radiological protection, medical physics and fusion.

In addition, WiN Spain will also celebrate its twentieth anniversary in 2015. Various activities are being prepared to commemorate this event. With the objective of analysing the evolution of WiN Spain, the relationship it enjoys with other organisations and the challenges it faces in the future, Nuclear España, the journal of SNE, published an interview in which the current President, Matilde Pelegri, was joined by the four previous WiN Spain Presidents: María Teresa López Carbonell (1995-2001), Carol Ahnert (2001-2006), Inés Gallego (2006-2011), and Maribel Gómez (2001-2014).

WiN Spain New Board
WiN Spain


The contribution of Spanish nuclear power plants in 2014 to electricity in Spain was equivalent to 21,9% of the country’s total consumption. Nuclear generation was in fact the top-ranking energy source in Spain, followed by wind, 20,4%; coal, 16,4%; hydraulic, 15,4%; cogeneration, 10,4%; gas combined cycle, 8,5% and the remaining renewables, 7%.


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